Friday, July 25, 2008

11th Birthday


Marcy, Alana, and Meghan (Left)
Meghan and Rachel (Below)

Two Legged Race. Meghan and Sarah are the winners.

Left-Rebecca and Meghan
Below- Julie, Meghan , and Ann Marie -Lunch at the Airport Diner

Kaleigh and Meghan hanging on the big day.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cool!!!!! I love the lake.
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Yeah this is fun.
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Monday, July 14, 2008

The famous person is.....

It is Dr. Sasha. My Dr. from Dartmouth

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sighting of a famous person in NYC

Does anyone know who the famous person with Meghan is?

Any guesses yet?

How about now?

Well after you submit some guesses we will tell you.
Good Luck.

NYC Tap City 2008

Left: Karen Calloway Williams- Meghans teacher for the week. Below Chloe Arnold

Left: Meghan on stage

Below: Meghan's friend Tyler from Washington


Left: Meghan's friend Dario. (Broadway performer to be:)

Below: Chloe Arnald. You can google her.

Left: Karen Calloway Williams-Meghan's teacher for the week.

Below: Dr. Harold Cromer. Famous Hoofer.

One of Meghan's Favorites. He askes for her every year.

Left: Josh Hillberman

Below: Michelle Dorrance Check out Dance Magazine (June )

During class.

Hi Everyone

Here are some pictures of Tap City. Meghan danced with some of the best tap dancers from around the world.

You may see Dario in Billy Elliot on Broadway and possibly Gypsy. He is a nice young man with tons of talent. Meghan had a blast. As soon as I download movies I will try and post them. Sue