Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So since the last post alot of things have happened.  Meghan has done numerous volunteering events for Make A Wish and the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth.  She has started her sophomore year of high school.  She started a new dance school, which she loves.   She misses her old school but loves the new tap dance challenge at this school. Meghan is turning into a beautiful young women.

June Hospital Stay.

 NH Credit Union League Golf Tourney.  Meghan  is speaking about her wish.

 Fun pictures at CHaD from Flashes of Hope.

 Timberman IronMan race.  Meghan with Wish Runner Steve.
 Meghan talking to Wish Racers.
 Meghan as a Wish Ambassador at the Mt Washington Cruise for Make a Wish
 Speaking at a Monster Truck event that raised over $10,000 for Make A Wish.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Golf Tourney Season arrives

Well it is time to start volunteering for Make A Wish and CHaD. It is golf time. I will be out at many golf events telling my story and helping people learn how important these groups are to me. So stay tuned.

Report Cards

Meghan is doing well in High School. She struggled last term due to an extended absence due to iillness but was able to bring all grades up to all B's with alot of extra work. Nice job Meghan.

Meghan doing one of her favorite things. DANCING!!! Her dance team just finished
the competition season and they did very well.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Well it sure has been a long time since we last posted. Meghan is now a freshman at Merrimack Valley High School. She is still dancing and volunteering. Here are some photos to catch you up.