Please go to the Palace Theatre in Manchester NH next weekend and the one after to see my friend Kaleigh perform. She is FABULOUS. I have enclosed a picture of her with this. At least I hope it comes thru. I will be there.
I am staying to Monday to work on my lung functions. I have to be able to run up 3 flights of stairs without stopping. YIKES. Mom says she will watch. She can make it half way.
Thanks for visiting Uncle Tim. I will be up this summer to see your house. I put it on my summer to do list.
Thanks Kaleigh, Mrs. Freeman, Grammy K, and everyone else for calling.
Thanks Grammy Lynn and Pappa Russ for the gift card to the gift shop. I love shopping.
Thanks Nanny and Papa for visiting.
Thanks Sammy. I love it when we play. You rock.
Love Meghan
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