Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paul DiMeo of Extreme Home Makeover made Meghan's dream come true.
She spent the last week with the cast and crew of the show working on a house in
Manchester NH. By the pictures you can tell the fun she had. I would like to tell you
that the cast and crew are wonderful, caring, hard working, loving people. They go out
of their way to meet and greet fans. They work hard for the family of the house they are
doing over. BUT Paul took Meghan under his wing. She worked on projects all day for two days with him, had lunch, toured the house, signed autographs, and just had a grand time with Paul. I just don't know how to or where to begin to tell you what a week she had. I just don't
have the words. INCREDIBLE, OUTSTANDING, AWESOME, POWERFUL, FANTASTIC, OUT OF THIS WORLD. That is how Meghan describes it.

Meghan with Tanya the designer.
Meghan and Tayea with Johnny

Meghan working with Paul

Interviewing with WMUR

Autographing Johnny's pants

Consulting with Paul

Helping make projects

Meghan and Ty

Meghan on THE BUS

Meghan and Paulie getting ready for the cheer.

Meghan with the designers and builders.

Meghan at the Monarchs game with Max and the designers

Meghan and her BEST BUD Paulie

Meghan with Ty, Paulie, and Rachel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great wish!!!

You are the best

florida family